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Memorial Park

Memorial Park

Cape County Memorial ParkCemetery & Mausoleum2315 Highway 61 NorthCape Girardeau, Missouri573-334-1909

Cape County Memorial Park and Mausoleum is situated on 34 acres of beautiful rolling hills between Cape Girardeau and Jackson.

Cape County Memorial Park Cemetery was founded in 1932 by Hugo Felix and later owned and operated by the Strom family of Cape Girardeau.  In 1986 Cape County Memorial Park Cemetery was purchased by the Ford family and is part of the parent corporation, Ford and Sons Funeral Home, Inc.

As a perpetual care cemetery, Cape County Memorial Park is regulated by the state of Missouri to ensure that funds will be available for future upkeep.  

The cemetery requires the placement of flat markers in a majority of sections to help maintain a park atmosphere. A brand new section that will allow upright monuments is currently under construction. To complement the beautiful grounds, the Ford family has introduced mausoleum entombment at the cemetery. Due to the overwhelming acceptance of the mausoleum, the mausoleum is undergoing an ongoing building process.  In addition to crypts for casketed remains, the mausoleum provides niches for interment of cremated remains.

2025 Floral Pick-Up Schedule

2025 Floral Pick-Up Schedule

Anyone wishing to pick up their own floral arrangements should do so prior to these dates.

February 4

*March 4

April 1

June 3

August 5

*November 4

*All floral arrangements including vases